Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning Bank 16- Using the project-based learning multimedia as a teaching-learning strategy.

                   I learned from lesson 16 that in using multimedia learning project as a teaching strategy we should determine our goals and objectives, determining how much time is to be needed and another important thing is to determine the resources. After determining the goals and objectives, time needed and resources available we should plan on how we are going to evaluate student learning. So Simkins, et al (2002) suggest of what we are going to do next: 1. Before the project starts 2. Introducing the project(one-two days) 3. Learning the technology(one-three days) 4. Preliminary research and planning(three days to three weeks, depending on project size) 5. Concept design and story boarding(three-five days) 6. Assessing,testing, and finalizing presentation(one-three weeks) 7. Concluding activities(one-three days).
                 I can apply my learning to my chosen field by determining the goal and objective, how much time is needed and resources available so that I can use this effectively in the project-based multimedia learning as a teaching strategy and I also apply of what Simkins suggest of how we are going to evaluate student learning and we should do next after determining the goals and objectives, time needed and resources available.

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